Case Studies 

Please note that these Hall of Shame nominations were written in a moment in time (most over a decade ago) and likely have since changed or even been transformed. If the above entry is now great, or still not so great, go ahead and comment below on how it has evolved or nominate it as a great place.


East 4th Street




Contributed by 
Eve Critton, Transportation Intern, Project for Public Spaces
Project for Public Spaces
March 26, 2019
May 1, 2024

What makes it Great?

Why it doesn't work?

This fully pedestrianized street is a key destination in Downtown Cleveland. The eclectic mix of restaurants, bars, music venues, cafes, and shops is topped with picturesque string lights that create a cohesive atmosphere and sense of place. The street is lined on either side with outdoor tables, chairs, and other amenities that build a bridge between the street and local businesses, creating a density of patio space, and facilitating a natural gathering of people.

Formerly Cleveland’s theater district, the revitalization of this area that began in the early 2000s has expanded outwards and helped to spark the new energy still emerging downtown. Together with Public Square, the central public space in Cleveland located only a few blocks away, East 4th Street provides the seeds of a network of public destinations in the city center.

The Healthline Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system that runs alongside East 4th Street is also partially to thank for growth of the neighborhood. One of the country’s first BRT lines, the Healthline has led to $9.5 billion in investment in surrounding areas over the past 10 years, and the accessibility it offers helps drive activity to bustling East 4th Street.

Access & Linkages

Comfort & Image

Uses & Activities


How Light?

How Quick?

How Cheap?

History & Background

Related Links & Sources

Images courtesy of East 4th Street, a "live, work, play" community, and MrCleveland247 on Wikimedia Commons.

East 4th Street
East 4th Street
East 4th Street
East 4th Street
East 4th Street
East 4th Street
East 4th Street
East 4th Street

*Please note that these Hall of Shame nominations were written in a moment in time (most over a decade ago) and likely have since changed or even been transformed. If the above entry is now great, or still not so great, go ahead and comment below on how it has evolved or nominate it as a great place.


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