A Goofy Way to Design Our Cities

Craig Raphael
Jun 30, 2009
May 1, 2024

Once upon a time, streets once belonged to everyone. They were a "commons" where people walked, biked, boarded streetcars,stopped for conversations.  It's where kids played and dogs napped.

But that all changed during the second half of the 20th Century. Streets became the exclusive property of automobiles, and everybody else had better get out of the way, or else!

An old Disney cartoon, starring a character looking likes very much like Goofy, shows how this Tragedy of the Street  came to pass. It can be watched on the website of Bike Walk Twin Cities, one of many organizations that have sprung up recently to reclaim the streets as a public space that should be available for everyone.

See it here: http://tcsidewalks.blogspot.com/2009/06/classic-sidewalks-of-silver-screen-21.html

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