Social Impact Partnerships
With the support of like-minded partners, Project for Public Spaces manages grant, technical assistance, and leadership programs that help local partners to transform their public spaces.
We bring together employees, customers, and local residents to transform neglected public spaces into gathering places that truly serve the community.
Society’s greatest challenges are addressed in public space. We have a long history of working with foundations to meet their objectives in addressing public health, economic development, and social resilience.
Individual Donors
We are dedicated to working with people who are just as passionate about public space as we are. We offer a range of strategies for individuals to create a lasting public space legacy in their community.

We bring together employees, customers, and local residents to transform neglected public spaces into gathering places that truly serve the community.


Society’s greatest challenges are addressed in public space. Public spaces offer an invaluable forum for all community members to gather, act together, and participate in civic life. Investing in Project for Public Spaces supports innovation in


We believe that community-powered public spaces are the backbone of a healthy, equitable society, and we are dedicated to working with people who are just as passionate about them as we are. Project for Public Spaces provides specialized options for individuals offering large investments to create public spaces that can serve as the foundation for our society’s health, resilience, and so much more.

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Learn more about how Project for Public Spaces can help you achieve impact through public space.
Meet our Partners

Since 1975, Project for Public Spaces has brought some of the most successful public places in the world to life with the help of dedicated partners.

More than 50 organizations have partnered with Project for Public Spaces to give back to their communities, to engage their employees and grantees, and to create the welcoming, lively, and meaningful public spaces that everyone deserves. Let us introduce you to some of our current partners.

Featured Partnership
Southwest Airlines Heart of the Community

From 2014 to 2019, Project for Public Spaces partnered with Southwest Airlines to develop the Heart of the Community grant program. This initiative offered financial, technical assistance, and peer learning opportunities to 19 local partners around North America who sought to bring new life to their public spaces and to strengthen their communities for a more resilient future.

HOTC map of projects
Sample Project
Campus Martius Park, Detroit, MI
Once a lifeless traffic island, Campus Martius Park has become a world-famous example of a unique urban park. Through the Southwest Airlines Heart of the Community grant program, Project for Public Spaces collaborated with the Downtown Detroit Partnership, the City of Detroit, and the Detroit 300 Conservancy to help bring a taste of northern Michigan beaches to the middle of downtown Detroit.
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Campus Martius beach
Places in the Making: How Placemaking Builds Places and Communities
Places in the Making
In 2013, a team of MIT researchers from the Department of Urban Studies and Planning led by planner and architect Susan Silberberg examined ten case studies of placemaking projects around the country, including several Heart of the Community projects. Their findings report, Places in the Making, reveal how the collective process of making cultivates community capacity and leadership that lasts far beyond any one public space improvement.

“Placemaking puts power back in the hands of the people,” writes Silberberg observes in the report's introduction. “The most successful placemaking initiatives transcend the ‘place’ to forefront the ‘making,’ and the benefits for community can be substantial and long-lasting.”
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Heart of the Community Projects
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