Winter Cities: Happy December in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ethan Kent
Jan 9, 2009
May 1, 2024

Temperatures average below freezing during the darkest month of the year in Slovenia.  However, the country's public spaces are overflowing thanks to a government program called "Happy December," designed to infuse life into downtowns.


Several concerts take place each day in the central square of Ljubljana, adjacent to food and warming stations that allow people to stay outdoors for hours in below-freezing temperatures.


Most of the activity happens after dark, with peak crowds staying out well after midnight to enjoy the entertainment, lighting and hot wine.


The city's year-round Sunday flea market goes on strong in sub-freezing weather, taking the place of the food market held along the river banks during the other six days of the week.


Christmas markets are set up throughout the city center, combining high quality crafts and clothing with local food and alcohol, free programming, public gathering areas, creative lighting, games and other amenities.

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