Chattanooga Parks to be Animated by Movable Furniture

Aug 21, 2008
May 1, 2024



Chattanooga, Tennessee has taken a PPS recommendation to heart! Inspired by a speech by PPS Founder and President Fred Kent, the Chattanooga Department of Parks and Recreation announced that it will be installing multicolored steel tables and chairs in several of its waterfront parks. The project is called the Park Animation Project, and it intends to increase social interaction in parks and to create a sense of ownership among park users.

            Initially, the 130 tables and 21 chairs were to be placed on the waterfront in Coolidge Park this month, but the installation has been delayed based on reports that the existing furniture was too unstable for Coolidge Park’s uneven terrain. Picnic tables with umbrellas will still be added to the portion of the waterfront by Ross’s Landing.

            PPS has long been an advocate for free-standing, movable furniture because they help to create “minidestinations” and allow people to customize spaces so they can have a range of different experiences. Coolidge Park is one of the best places to employ this concept as it already contains a notable amenity: according to Fred Kent, the fountain in Coolidge Park is one of the top five in the world.


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