City Launches Round Two of NYC Plaza Program

Robin Lester
Apr 17, 2009
May 1, 2024
NYC's new Gansevoort Plaza
NYC's new Gansevoort Plaza

The City of New York has announced the first nine recipient sites of its NYC Plaza Program, designed to ensure that every New Yorker is within a 10-minute walk of quality open space.   One recipient, the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership, worked with PPS in 2007 to evaluate four sites along the Myrtle Avenue corridor in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill.  Through the Plaza Program, two blocks of a service road will be transformed, with community input, into a community place to sit and stroll.

Applications for Round Two of the program are now being accepted, and the first informational session will be held:

Monday, May 4 from 3:00-4:00pm NYC DOT 220 Church, Rm. 814 New York, NY 10013

PPS and the NYC DOT agree that qualities of a successful plaza include:

  • Accessibility by foot & bike
  • Surrounded by a mix of uses
  • Flexible and multipurpose
  • Food & drink available nearby
  • Plentiful seating in various forms
  • Opportunities for art
  • Sun and shade
  • Activities & events for all users

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