Downtown Mississauga - Removed from PPS's Hall of Shame!

Sep 21, 2006
May 1, 2024

In 2005, PPS began working with the City of Mississauga to help grow a lively downtown that appeals to a growing downtown population.  Even before the ink was dry on our final report and concepts, the city had formed a new department, Building a City for the 21st Century. The department has been busy implementing recommendations, empowering residents to become leaders in City projects, and organizing the "My Mississauga" program of outdoor events. Activities and events range from Farmers markets to Vintage Car Club Thursdays.

Mississauga's immense effort in its downtown has even convinced us to remove it from the PPS Hall of Shame!

Some photos from this summer's "My Mississauga" events:

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For more information on PPS's work in Mississauga, see the <a title=

Placemaking in Mississauga project experience.

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