GREAT PUBLIC SPACE: Ver-o-peso Market (Belem, Para, Brazil)

Tom Peyton
Sep 8, 2009
May 1, 2024

What: A permanent market on the Amazon River with over 2000 tents.

Why it Works: The Ver-o-peso market is amazing market located on the Amazon River. It is on a very large-scale with more than 2000 tents. It is a historical site, and was recently renewed. Located in the city centre, on the margins of Guajará Bay, it is accessible by the people who come from the nearby islands by boat. The place is full of life, densely occupied with people and products from the Amazon. The fish market, a steel construction imported from Glasgow in 1901, is the most memorable image of the city. The market is open from 4:00am to 15:00pm. People from all social classes use the market. It is where they buy traditional products from the Amazon. The people here are very friendly, although there are a few pick pockets.

Read the entire profile here.

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