The Evolving Netherwood Station
NETHERWOOD COMMUTER RAIL STATION AND TOWN CENTER Plainfield, New Jersey (1994, 1996, 1998-2000)
PPS leveraged a "model station" project to improve the Netherwood train station as a catalyst to transform the Plainfield community. The outcome was a downtown area that is more walkable, better for businesses and more "transit friendly."
PPS developed a plan to revitalize a long-neglected shopping street opposite the Netherwood commuter rail station in downtown Plainfield, New Jersey, with new pedestrian-friendly improvements, including crosswalks, landscaped medians, lighting and widened sidewalks, as well as a plan to work with neighboring retailers to add awnings, improved signage, outdoor cafes and displays, all in order to create a lively town center and integrate the station into the adjacent street and surrounding area.
Because of the station enhancements developed by PPS and implemented by New Jersey Transit, the City of Plainfield was able to transfer $450,000 in State roadway repaving moneys to fund streetscape and place-making improvements to the areas in front of the train station along South Avenue. These funds were then matched by a $500,000 ISTEA grant, providing nearly $1 million in leveraged funds to extend the station enhancement efforts further into the surrounding commercial and residential districts. PPS has been involved throughout implementation. Client: City of Plainfield Office of Planning.
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