Public Markets Provide Economic Opportunity

Dec 31, 2008
May 1, 2024

Public markets are the ultimate small business incubator. From your casual, one-day a week flea market vendor to your serious, seven-day a week market hall vendor, public markets are wonderful places for people - especially minorities, immigrants and women - to grow a business.

Typically, markets work as entry points for new entrepreneurs because they are relatively inexpensive to start and operate. Vendors often only have to invest in minimal stall infrastructure which requires fewer resources and risk than building up a stand-alone business. In fact, PPS’ Ford Foundation research showed that most market vendors start their businesses using their own money.

Self-motivation, energy and commitment have fueled market vendors for centuries. To serve the growing number of people who are interested in becoming market vendors, PPS recently developed a handbook which identifies the best practices for starting and growing a market business.


How to Start Your Business at a Local Market: a Vendor Handbook

Diversifying Farmers Market Report

Public Markets as a Vehicle for Social Integration and Upward Mobility

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