User Survey: Prospect Park Alliance, Brooklyn, NY

Dec 31, 2008
May 1, 2024

The survey below was sent to all members of the Prospect Park Alliance to gather their input on plans to move and redesign Wollman Skating Rink.


TO: All Prospect Park Alliance Members FROM: Tupper Thomas, Prospect Park Administrator DATE: March 9, 1998 RE: Wollman Rink

Brooklyn Borough President Howard Golden has given us funding to investigate the feasibility of moving Wollman Rink and its building so that we may recreate the remarkable sweeping historic vistas that have been hidden from the Concert Grove for decades.

The rink is a favorite spot in the Park, but has been cutting us all off from a view that Olmsted and Vaux considered one of the premiere aspects of their design. We are taking this opportunity to study the possibility of moving the rink from its present place to a equally convenient spot that does not interfere with Park design.

Of course this possibility raises many questions and will require ongoing input from the community. That's where you come in...

In order to better understand your needs and preferences we hope that you will take the time to fill out this questionnaire and get it back to us in the enclosed postage paid envelope by April 15th.

This won't be the last time you will hear from us on this topic. There will be many more opportunities for your input as we continue to plan for a better Wollman Rink - and a better Prospect Park.

Thanks for taking the time to help. See you in the Park!

Rink Questionnaire

This survey is intended to assess the preferences of Alliance members which will help in designing a new skating rink for Prospect Park.

Have you ever been to the Wollman Skating Rink? yes ___ no ___


If not, STOP HERE.

If you have been to Wollman Rink, please answer the following:

How often do you use the rink?

Once a year ___ Several times a year ___ More than 5 times a year ___ More than 10 times a year ___

What is your age group?

Under 13 ___ 13-18 ___ 18-22 ___ 23-34 ___ 35-45 ___ 46-64 ___ 65+ ____

If you are an adult do you come with your children? yes ___ no ___

If you are an adult do you ever come alone? yes ___ no ___

If you are an adult would you be more likely to attend all adult skating lessons? yes ___ no ___

When do you or would you use the rink?

do you use? would you use?

Weekends ___ ___ Weekdays ___ ___ In the morning ___ ___ In the afternoon ___ ___ Before work or school ___ ___ After work or school ___ ___ At night if it was available ___ ___

What services do you use at the rink?

Skate rental ___ Snack bar ___ Lessons ___

What types of skating do you participate in? currently? if regulation size rink were available here?

Hockey ___ ___ Speed skating ___ ___ Figure skating ___ ___ Do you belong to a club ___ ___ General ___ ___

Have you used the Rink for a private party? yes___ no ___

Comments _______________________________________



What improved services would interest you?

A sit-down cafe or restaurant at the rink ___ Larger or more party rooms ___ Roller blading during the summer ___ A larger and improved skate shop with more merchandise ___ If so what type of merchandise ______________________



Which of the following would you most like to see in an upgraded rink? [mark in order: very important - not important - important]

new lockers ___ ___ ___ new bathrooms ___ ___ ___ larger skating surface ___ ___ ___ more than one skating surface ___ ___ ___ upgraded lobby/lounge ___ ___ ___ changing rooms ___ ___ ___ improved instruction and lessons ___ ___ ___ covered rink ___ ___ ___ sit-down cafe ___ ___ ___ skating pro shop ___ ___ ___ observation area ___ ___ ___

What other rinks in the area do you use? __________________________

What services do they provide that are not offered here? __________________

How do they compare? ________________________________________

How do you get to the rink in Prospect Park?

Public transportation ___ Shuttle bus ___ Bicycle ___ Car ___ if so, do you park at the rink? yes ___ no ___ Trolley ___ Walk ___ Other ___

What off season activities would you take advantage of if offered at the rink?

Roller blading ___ Roller blade rental ___ Bicycle rental for use in the park ___

Additional comments _______________________________________________



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