Site on Providence Waterfront Could Draw Crowds Again

Michael Kodransky
Apr 10, 2008
May 1, 2024


A 2-acre parcel of land for sale on the Providence waterfront, now the site of a former night club called Shooters, could be an extension of the adjacent India Point Park. Residents want the site to be rezoned to prevent condo development, while the Rhode Island DOT claims it must be sold at market price to the highest bidder based on Federal Highway Administration requirements.  

Ethan Kent, PPS Vice President, recently participated in a community forum about the site and said it could become a regional draw. It'll be up to community members to push for a plan that reflects the personality of the city.

Better access to the waterfront is one of the 7 principles listed in Providence 2020, a long-term vision for the city's growth. The plan calls for continuous waterfront pedestrian access with linkages to parallel streets.

Related Articles: Residents Ask to Protect Shooters Site [The Providence Journal] Proposed Rezoning along Waterfront  [Greater City: Providence]

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