Technical Guidance on Road Diets

Jan 31, 2020
May 1, 2024

↵ Back: A Placemaker's Primer on Road Diets

Below are links to trusted partners, advocates, and practitioners for more information on road diets. 

Road Diet Explanation (Video) 

This animated video narrated by urban planner Jeff Speck describes four of the most common and effective road diet redesigns.

NACTO Urban Street Design Guide

The NACTO Urban Street Design Guide shows how road diet techniques can be used to improve different street typologies, like Downtown Thoroughfares, Neighborhood Main Streets, Residential Boulevards, and Transit Corridors. See before and after diagrams and learn about the strategies that are particularly useful in different contexts.    

Reduce Lane Widths 

Side impact- and turn-related crash rates are lowest at intersections where average lane widths are between 10 and 10.5 feet, according to a study presented at the Canadian Institute of Transportation’s annual meeting in June 2015. This challenges the long-held, but often disputed, assumption that wider lanes are safer.

FHWA Road Diet Desk Reference 

The Road Diet Desk Reference is a resource to assist transportation agencies during their decision-making process in regards to considering, implementing, and evaluating Road Diet conversions. The information in the document is derived from the Road Diet Informational Guide (see below).

FHWA Safety Program's Road Diet Informational Guide 

This comprehensive guide covers the full range of road diet considerations well beyond their proven safety benefits. The guide details the history of road diets, the reasons to consider implementing a road diet, how to determine the feasibility of a project, how to design a road diet, and how to measure the effectiveness of a project. 

FHWA Evaluation of Lane Reduction "Road Diet" Measures on Crashes 

This Highway Safety Information System (HSIS) summary describes an evaluation of road diet treatments in Washington and California cities. This report is useful as a metric for considering the size, or type of conversion necessary for a project.

Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach 

This report has been developed in response to widespread interest for improving both mobility choices and community character through a commitment to creating and enhancing walkable communities. It underlines the concepts and principles necessary to ensure that users and other key factors are considered in the planning and design processes used to develop walkable urban thoroughfares.

← Previous: A Glossary of Road Diet Strategies

↵ Back: The Placemaker's Guide to Road Diets

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