Please note that these Hall of Shame nominations were written in a moment in time (most over a decade ago) and likely have since changed or even been transformed. If the above entry is now great, or still not so great, go ahead and comment below on how it has evolved or nominate it as a great place.
This is over 200 acres of active and passive community park, with beach/shore line along Lake Huron.
The people in this area have always loved this park. The land was bought in the 1930's with money from both the citizens of Sarnia and the municipal government. Over the years, the area has been developed, but always wanting for the best environmental needs (i.e., native plants, no hindrance to the native animal habitat, no carnival like developments).
The green space is phenomenal, and the beach is as well. I don't know of any other cities that are as dedicated to green space as the City of Sarnia. (Ironically, Sarnia is one of the top ten petro-chemical communities in North America). Perhaps this is why both the government of Sarnia and its citizens are so dedicated to greenspace.
Canatara is a large greenspace that is located in the northern area of Sarnia, on Lake Huron. It spans almost 85 acres, and sits on the edge of Lake Huron. Canatara Park derives its name from the Ojibwe Native Language, meaning Lake Huron. The park itself is home to another large lake, Lake Chipican. Lake Chipican is the Indian name for "Lake of Roots." The Ojibwe Medicine Men gathered the roots required by then in this section and it is said that no Indian women were allowed at this lake.
This land was the last natural wooded piece of land available at the time of its purchase, and is fast becoming one of the most beautiful natural parks on the lake front. There is a frontage on Lake Huron of 3000 feet. The sports field consists of about 6 acres and provides facilities for all amateur sports. The park can be access from all areas- beach, woods, one roadway that curls through the park- but one must park the cars to access and walk to all areas available.
The park is a beautiful natural wonder that is available to all, and all agree on the natural beauty of both the water and green space.
The park is consistently used through all seasons, though at its height in the summertime. The area available is so large the park never seems crowded. All genders, all races use this park, nature never discriminates.
Being in Canatara Park reminds us of what nature truly offers us, how we are most humble to it. When we take care and nurture areas such as this, they repay us in ways no man ever can. It is a social gathering place for many different families, and holds the celebrations such as 'Canada Day' to remind us how lucky we are.
*Please note that these Hall of Shame nominations were written in a moment in time (most over a decade ago) and likely have since changed or even been transformed. If the above entry is now great, or still not so great, go ahead and comment below on how it has evolved or nominate it as a great place.