Case Studies 

Please note that these Hall of Shame nominations were written in a moment in time (most over a decade ago) and likely have since changed or even been transformed. If the above entry is now great, or still not so great, go ahead and comment below on how it has evolved or nominate it as a great place.


Centennial Park




Contributed by 
rebecca horner
Project for Public Spaces
June 27, 2006
May 1, 2024

An active and passive community waterfront park with outdoor performance area (Dow People Place).

What makes it Great?

Why it doesn't work?

This park in Sarnia features a playground area, a large grass field which houses many activities from sports to music festivals, well maintained native plant species, 180 parking spaces (there are no roads for cars through the park), plenty of bike and hiking trails, three charcoal grills, one casual softball diamond, one soccer field, a covered outdoor performance area, and of course, the Sarnia Bay and the St. Clair River. The beautiful water walkway showcases amenities from sculptures to fountains and a marina. The park is 89.54 acres (land 38.14 acres, water 51.4 acres).

Access & Linkages

This park is on the west side of the City, and access is open to all people of every walk of life. The park was created for a centennial project for Canada's 100th birthday in 1967. The intention is to over time create an interlinking riverfront project as far down the St. Clair Parkway as possible. The citizens and government have successfully been developing these parklands since 1967. It is intensely beautiful. The park is easily accessible, but one must park their car and then walk or bike throughout the surroundings.

Comfort & Image

Safe, clean, beautiful. Nature working with man, man not harming his surroundings.

Uses & Activities

The park is used often for different things. It is available to all.


How could a person be in a sour mood when surrounded by such beauty?

How Light?

How Quick?

How Cheap?

History & Background

Related Links & Sources

Centennial Park
Centennial Park
Centennial Park
Centennial Park
Centennial Park
Centennial Park
Centennial Park
Centennial Park

*Please note that these Hall of Shame nominations were written in a moment in time (most over a decade ago) and likely have since changed or even been transformed. If the above entry is now great, or still not so great, go ahead and comment below on how it has evolved or nominate it as a great place.


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