Case Studies 

Please note that these Hall of Shame nominations were written in a moment in time (most over a decade ago) and likely have since changed or even been transformed. If the above entry is now great, or still not so great, go ahead and comment below on how it has evolved or nominate it as a great place.


Kildonan Park




Contributed by 
Kurt Sargent
Project for Public Spaces
February 5, 2002
May 1, 2024

This park is popular with people of all ages, since it offers plenty to do.

What makes it Great?

Why it doesn't work?

A medium sized park, active year round. Home of Rainbow Stage. It has a very good playground and wading pool for young kids, as well as a large outdoor pool. There is a resturant and golf course nearby. Many picnic spots with BBQ pits, volley ball courts, soccer fields, winter slides, skating.

Access & Linkages

It lies adjacent to a major throughfare and is easily acessible by car, bus, or on foot. Sidewalks are set quite far from roads, safe for children. The road follows, basically, one large circle.

Comfort & Image

In the summer, the park is very clean and green. Lots of women, and men and women with their children. Also lots of teens, and young adults rollerblading, playing volley ball, etc.

Uses & Activities

Busy year round. Restaurant owner say's he is busier in the winter with families skating. Good and well maintained playground structures. Rainbow Stage has productions every summer that usually run for about 6 weeks. Public Works Week is held every year with the infamous "Loader Olymics"!" Wide variety of ages. It's a popular spot for large gatherings, and there are facilities to accommodate large picnic groups (shelter, seating, BBQ pits, etc.) Most of the park is well used, but I can always find a picnic table!


It's a very poular meeting place, especially for teens and young adults. They cruise around in their shiny cars meeting up with on another. Ages and ethnicities are as diverse as Winnipeg itself.

How Light?

How Quick?

How Cheap?

History & Background

Related Links & Sources

Kildonan Park
Kildonan Park
Kildonan Park
Kildonan Park
Kildonan Park
Kildonan Park
Kildonan Park
Kildonan Park

*Please note that these Hall of Shame nominations were written in a moment in time (most over a decade ago) and likely have since changed or even been transformed. If the above entry is now great, or still not so great, go ahead and comment below on how it has evolved or nominate it as a great place.


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