The State of Public Space in 2025


In 1975, Project for Public Spaces was founded by Fred Kent, Kathy Madden, and Steve Davies to prove why public space matters. Since then, the organization’s mission has grown to help hundreds of thousands of people around the world understand and improve the public spaces in their own communities through education, convening, grantmaking, and on-the-ground design and planning services.

In recognition of our 50th Anniversary in 2025, Project for Public Spaces invited this growing community of public space professionals—including planners, designers, place managers, public officials, artists, researchers, activists, and others—to participate in a State of Public Space Survey. The response was overwhelming, with over 700 respondents from around the world contributing their insights to help us better understand the biggest challenges and opportunities facing public spaces today. 

The results also reaffirmed some of our core beliefs about public space. Firstly, the diversity of respondents and responses demonstrates the potential of public spaces to act as multi-solvers. As the costs of healthcare, disaster relief, and the justice system climb ever upward, study after study has found that we could be saving millions of dollars by addressing many of the root causes of these problems at the crossroads where they come together—in the public realm. Instead, we spend millions more downstream, inefficiently and ineffectively trying to solve these problems one by one.

Secondly, in order to fulfill this unique role, we must rethink the way we fund, regulate, and capture the value of public space. Much like parenting, successful placemaking requires an approach that puts the holistic care of a public space at the center, and wraps around resources and services that allow the caretakers to do their work well. Until we do this, our cities and towns will fail to unlock the full potential of our parks, streets, markets, public buildings, and other civic infrastructure.

The results of this survey offer a snapshot of the state of public space at a critical moment. 

For the United States, in particular, these results offer a baseline measurement of the health of our public realm, prior to the widespread cuts under the new administration. As the national landscape continues to evolve, we plan to track progress on these issues carefully, and continue to help civic infrastructure champions navigate what comes next.

Who Took the Survey

Map of survey respondents. Over 700 individuals across 57 countries and 48 U.S. states, with 76% of responses from North America.

Because public spaces require contributions from a wide range of professions and sectors, there is no comprehensive data for the broader field of public space professionals or placemakers. However, the demographic and professional makeup of these survey results offer an informative cross-section of the field, which aligns with other data Project for Public Spaces has collected in the past through its events and communications.

The survey gathered responses from over 700 individuals across 57 countries and 48 U.S. states, with 76% of responses from North America. Respondents represented a diverse mix of sectors and an even wider diversity of industries, with City Planning representing the greatest share at only 16%.

Data Dashboard

Employment Status Graph

Demographically speaking, while the age range reflected an even split from age 20 to over 60, the majority of respondents had fewer than 10 years of relevant work experience in the field, perhaps reflecting the rapidly diversifying nature of public space work. In terms of gender, 63% of respondents identified as female, 20% higher than the field of city planning, while 3% identified as non-binary or chose to describe their gender, nearly double the proportion of the overall U.S. population that identify as non-binary or transgender. Among North American respondents, 29% identified as people of color, which is 13% lower than the total U.S. population but 8% higher than the field of city planning.

While 61% of respondents indicated that public space was their full-time job or part of their full-time job, a noteworthy 30% of respondents contribute to public space as volunteers, and the remaining 10% as part-time employees or contractors. While successful public spaces often rely upon enthusiastic community involvement, this reliance on volunteerism and potentially precarious workers may also speak to the way cities and towns hide the true cost of public space work from themselves.

Seven Big Takeaways

When our survey asked whether local public spaces were meeting the needs of the community, 32% of respondents said that public spaces were failing, while another 63% said they were doing alright, but needed improvement. 

Only 5% of respondents said that public spaces are meeting community needs. 

This stark result underscores the pressing need to rethink how our shared spaces are designed and managed, ensuring they fulfill their potential to support community health and well-being, strengthen resilience, and boost local economies.

Graph of biggest societal issues affecting public space today

To dig deeper into why public space isn’t living up to its potential, we asked respondents to identify the biggest societal and practical issues facing public spaces today from a wide range of options. In the following sections, we break down seven big takeaways from these responses, drawing in insights from respondents, underlying trends, and innovative case studies to better understand what the data is telling us about the state of public space in 2025.

1. Aging Infrastructure

The way we fund public space is broken.

When celebrated urbanist Jane Jacobs was invited to speak at the White House in 1964, she decided to focus on what she called “a great unbalance” between money for building things and money for running things. Through 50 years of experience studying and improving public spaces around the world, Project for Public Spaces has found that the four characteristics of successful public spaces rely heavily on maintenance, programming, small regular design improvements, and ongoing community engagement—and yet, “running things” continues to be the hardest activity to secure funding for.

Pie chart of biggest practical issues facing public space

In the more than six decades since Jacobs’s speech, this great unbalance has only become more noticeable as budgets for parks, libraries, and even infrastructure have shrunk significantly. As a result, nearly 12% of respondents identified “aging infrastructure” as one of the top issues facing public space. When we think of aging infrastructure, we may jump immediately to roads and bridges, but public spaces are our civic infrastructure—the networks of community places that support our public health, resilience, and local economies.

“Although the value of public spaces is well acknowledged, nobody wants to spend the money to maintain and program them. Money can be found to create and equip them, but not beyond.”

— Survey Respondent
“Public space improvement projects too often focus on either short-term, inexpensive ‘pop-ups’ that quickly fade away in disrepair, or large capital improvements that slowly fade away in disrepair. The lack of maintenance plans and funding, and proper staffing all too often gives us public spaces that feel dirty, abandoned, and unsafe and cause a lot of public resistance to improving them.”

— Survey Respondent
“Funding is not being invested in the right places. The improvements that do get made are minimal and, you can tell, lacking funding for the amenities that matter most to people not in cars such as trees, lighting and seating.”

— Survey Respondent
“There is a lack of leadership and funding to program our parks and make them engaging and inviting to the communities they serve. There is also a lack of maintenance and improvements that keep the parks and public spaces in decent shape.”

— Survey Respondent
“If public spaces are to realize their full potential—as cultural, environmental, and social catalysts—then it’s critical to rethink how we resource and staff these efforts. Let’s champion a shift in perspective and advocate for the infrastructure, leadership, and investment that public spaces truly deserve.”

— Survey Respondent

To that end, public spaces need new funding models that recognize their need for gradual money, rather than money floods and droughts. What if more foundations and corporate social responsibility programs committed to investing in an open-ended placemaking process or to long-term public space initiatives? What if one percent of all federal infrastructure and housing spending supported nearby public space improvements? In cities with regular sporting or entertainment events, what if a small surcharge went to supporting local public spaces

The ideas are out there and awareness of public space has grown significantly since the pandemic, but at the end of the day, this shift will require bold leadership in the public, private, and philanthropic sectors to fix the way we invest in some of our most undervalued infrastructure—civic infrastructure.

2. Bureaucracy

Cutting red tape could make limited resources go further in public space.

Aging infrastructure and underperforming public spaces are not only about money. After funding for capital improvements and operations, respondents said the greatest practical issues facing public space were political will and bureaucracy, together making up a whopping 31% of responses.

When it comes to funding, the question of how that money shows up often matters as much as how much. Perhaps because it fulfills so many purposes and crosses so many jurisdictions, public space often falls between the cracks of funding priorities like economic development, arts and culture, transportation, and even parks and recreation. As a result, public space improvement projects are often ill-suited to typical grant timelines and reporting requirements due to their open-ended nature, the uncertainties of implementation, and the need for ongoing upkeep. Likewise, government grants often have strong restrictions on the types of expenses that are allowed, such as supporting planning and technical assistance but no implementation or vice versa.

“Public spaces are often tied to infrastructure such as roads, drainage systems, and utility corridors. This adds bureaucracy to reimagining what the public space could be. The pandemic demonstrated the potential for seeing public space in a different light.”

— Survey Respondent
“Public spaces continue to operate in silos in ways that make it difficult to solve for the societal challenges we face. Building the political will to prioritize investing in place, both robustly and consistently, is an ongoing challenge for the field.”

— Survey Respondent
"Questions of who handles ongoing maintenance, programming, and activation needs tend to kill a project before it's even off the ground.”

— Survey Respondent
“Federal funds (for transportation planning/engineering) are very limited in what they can be used to purchase. We have an abundance of staff time for planning but no funds to construct innovative solutions.”

— Survey Respondent
Public space is not a funding category, which means we are often trying to fill buckets that we don't fully fit (arts & culture, economic development, education, etc). Reports, studies, and fellowships seem to be funded, but ongoing maintenance and operational support do not. Private support is hard to come by and government support is unpredictable.”

— Survey Respondent

Even when financial support can be found, countless little improvements to our public spaces never happen because of red tape. Dealing with questions of zoning, permitting, and liability stifle many community efforts before they even get off the ground. For example, why do so many vacant lots never become something useful to the community? Untangling the messy records of property ownership often prevents action. 

Simplifying and streamlining these arcane state and local government systems could unlock the potential of motivated public space professionals and community members to take on this work themselves. The City of New York, for example, appointed Ya-Ting Liu as its first Chief Public Realm Officer in 2023, after years of advocacy led by the Municipal Art Society and New Yorkers for Parks. The position’s role is to create a common vision for the city’s public realm to guide and support the dozens of public agencies and hundreds of nonprofits involved in the management and improvement of public spaces across the city. Today, the local Alliance for Public Space Leadership, of which Project for Public Spaces is a member, continues to support Liu in her efforts while pushing for increased investment across the city and tackling these ongoing bureaucratic hurdles.

In the coming years, we hope to see more cities adopt this model, but it will likely take local coalitions of community members and nonprofit organizations advocating for change.

Photo of London Mayor Sadiq Khan speaking at Project for Public Spaces’ 10th International Public Markets Conference.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan speaks at Project for Public Spaces’ 10th International Public Markets Conference. In 2016, Khan launched the London Markets Board to ensure that the Greater London Authority’s policies and programs are responsive to the needs of market managers and vendors citywide. Credit: Greater London Authority

3. Homelessness

Public space is on the frontlines of the housing crisis.

While homelessness is first and foremost about the people experiencing it directly, some of the most visible signs of the crisis are experienced by the general public in public space. Mental health crises, biohazards, maintenance issues, reduced access, and fear of crime—whether backed up by the data or not—have become an increasingly and disturbingly normal part of the public realm since 2017. As a result, 12% of respondents point to homelessness as one of the top issues facing public space today. 

Among respondents, there was broad agreement on the negative impacts and the need to address the underlying housing crisis, however the suggested solutions from respondents varied drastically, reflecting national political divisions. Many stressed the need for affordable housing programs and improved access to social services, while some emphasized personal responsibility and increased law enforcement.

“When our cities are pushing people out and not addressing affordable housing and crisis services, public spaces then are expected to take responsibility.”

— Survey Respondent
“It does not matter which political party—Democratic administrations at local levels take hostile approaches to addressing homelessness, fencing off sidewalks to prevent encampments rather than meaningfully addressing the housing issue. A playground was removed in my neighborhood this month for no reason. We have no public restrooms. The mayor wants to shunt bus riders off the transit mall. We have become a City of Fences.

— Survey Respondent
“There is always garbage, feces, objects (possibly homeless or transient's belongings), tagging, drug paraphernalia, condoms, etc. in public spaces and even private areas.”

— Survey Respondent
“Many public spaces have (indefinitely) become temporary living situations for those who can no longer afford to be housed. They are precarious, lack health, mental health and addiction supports, are unsafe environments for vulnerable populations and generate a host of hazards and maintenance concerns that absorb substantial amounts of municipal project capital and operational budgets. … This is unsustainable for us all.”

— Survey Respondent
“The population of drug addicts causes more practical challenges than homelessness due to non-drug related issues. Dangerous drug paraphernalia is left onsite for children and animals to interact with. … This population starts fires in residential urban neighborhoods to accommodate their habits. This is dangerous for homeowners and resources such as trees in an arid climate.”

— Survey Respondent

However, the evidence on the effectiveness of different strategies is clear. Firstly, as William H. Whyte observed in The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, often efforts to displace people experiencing homelessness make our parks, streets, and public buildings even more unwelcoming. Out of desperation, municipalities and place management organizations fill our public spaces with hostile architecture—removing seating, locking down or eliminating amenities that could be damaged or stolen, making sittable and lie-able surfaces uncomfortable, and sometimes blocking access to spaces altogether. These physical interventions are complemented by increased police and security presence, and this has grown even further in the United States since the Supreme Court’s 2024 Grants Pass decision, which gave localities the power to arrest, ticket, and fine people for sleeping on public property. Altogether, this security-focused approach rarely leads to well-used, well-loved public spaces. Instead, it transforms a city’s public realm into what one survey respondent called “a City of Fences,” while exposing our unhoused neighbors to harm and suffering.

Times Square’s Recharge Station, designed by Project for Public Spaces and operated by Fountain House, builds trust with people experiencing homelessness in the space by helping meet immediate needs like food, warmth, and social connection. Ultimately, this trust helps connect people with mental health services, housing resources, and medical treatment. Credit: Ruvi Perumal

So what should public space professionals do? In Project for Public Spaces’ work on the ground in Atlanta’s Woodruff Park and New York’s Times Square, we have found that partnerships between place management organizations and social service providers can help build the trust necessary for outreach efforts to successfully connect people that spend significant time in public space with shelter, social service programs, and eventually, permanent housing.

As we know, though, this frontline work is only part of the solution. Successful outreach only matters if our communities have a robust but less visible “continuum of care,” which coordinates the activities of local governments and nonprofits to ensure people have the support they need to find stable, affordable housing. As our colleagues at Brookings Metro have found in their research, these evidence-based strategies are typically less expensive and more enduringly effective than the security-based alternative

We know that making and keeping public spaces vibrant and welcoming requires skills and knowledge from many disciplines. To address the homelessness crisis, placemakers must broaden their circles of collaboration to include strong social service partners, as well as organizations committed to addressing the root causes of homelessness.

4. Access

Physical, financial, and cultural barriers prevent many from accessing the benefits of public space.

With Access & Linkages being one of Project for Public Spaces’ four key elements of great public spaces, we were not surprised that this issue was top of mind for 11% of respondents. As the Trust for Public Land estimated, during the pandemic 100 million Americans lacked access to parks and green space at the moment when they needed it most.

“Local governments that are not large cities struggle to find funding for repairs to sidewalks… due to not being ‘large enough’ populations to gain the needed federal funding. This results in people in scooters, wheelchairs, and pushing baby strollers [having] to risk their lives by walking in the road because the sidewalks are too damaged and dangerous to be used.”

— Survey Respondent
Lack of diverse, safe and affordable options for public transportation keeps many events and potential participants isolated across a vast city. People do not and cannot engage if it is too hard or dangerous to get around, or if everything shuts down hours after their work day ends.”

— Survey Respondent
Children lack safe public spaces to play and connect, and every day, residents are injured or killed in preventable traffic crashes. It's time to create public spaces that serve everyone equitably, supporting a safer, healthier, and more connected community.”

— Survey Respondent
Disconnected public spaces often fail to support broader urban functions, such as facilitating mobility, fostering economic activities, or enhancing environmental resilience.”

— Survey Respondent
“The commercialization of public spaces often limits their accessibility, transforming them into semi-public or exclusive zones, which undermines their intended role as shared community assets.”

— Survey Respondent

Access is, of course, partly an issue of where public spaces are located. Low-income neighborhoods and communities of color simply have 44% less park space than whiter and wealthier areas. Identifying and transforming school yards, vacant lots, and other unconventional spaces into welcoming green space through placemaking is one way to help fill this gap. 

But proximity to public spaces isn’t enough. A lack of universal design, a cost to enter or participate in events, and communications or programming that fails to reflect the community can broadcast to many people that a space is not for them, even if it’s close by. In short, belonging is an important dimension of access.

A scooter sits abandoned on an obstructed sidewalk in Atlanta, Georgia. Credit: Nate Storring.

The quality of the walk, bike, roll, or transit ride also contributes significantly to whether people feel like they have access to public space in their daily lives. A 2023 study by the National Recreation & Park Association found that an estimated 97 million Americans that technically live within walking distance of a park still reported not having walkable access to a park. Streets themselves make up 80% of all public space in most cities, and despite years of progress in promoting active transportation, most streets in the United States still serve a single purpose: to move and store cars. To improve public space access across our cities and towns, departments of transportation must recognize Streets as Places. Integrating more non-mobility uses, like socializing, commerce, and programming, as well as the infrastructure to back it up, often ironically makes journeys feel shorter for everyone outside of a car than if we only optimized streets for multimodal movement alone.

People celebrate a birthday party on the planted median of the 34th Avenue Open Street. Credit: Elena Madison.

The 34th Avenue Open Street in Jackson Heights, Queens—the longest open street in the United States—offers a model for addressing a significant lack of open space head-on, by transforming a busy, densely populated area into a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly environment, similar to Barcelona’s famed Superblocks. Community organizers host free English conversation classes, cumbia and salsa workshops, arts and crafts, clothing exchanges, and more, open to everyone. Meanwhile, this street also safely connects children to their schools and older residents to their everyday needs. This project breaks down many of the physical, economic, and cultural barriers that limit who has access to civic infrastructure.

5. Social Isolation

Public space can break the vicious cycle of loneliness.

In 2024, the US Surgeon General issued an alarming report on social isolation, which compares its health effects to smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and recommends strengthening civic infrastructure like parks, plazas, and public markets as its #1 solution. Reflecting this growing recognition of our epidemic of loneliness in the United States and beyond, social isolation was identified by 11% of all respondents as a major societal issue negatively impacting public spaces.

“The lack of prioritization of public spaces is a direct contributor to the social isolation and disconnectedness that plagues our country.”

— Survey Respondent
“I think COVID taught us to be more isolated, even though outdoor public space was crucial during this time. The isolation led to fear mongering and distrust of other people.”

— Survey Respondent
“People are losing the ‘habit’ of choosing public spaces, because they’ve been deteriorating or don’t meet needs and expectations.”

— Survey Respondent
“In suburbs, the lack of adequate public spaces creates isolation and individualism. Small, even temporary, improvements to leftover spaces would bring great benefits to local communities, but the process is very complex and demanding, and too often doesn't meet with political will.”

— Survey Respondent

Journalist Diana Lind has gone as far as to argue that following the Covid-19 pandemic, American society may have entered a "Human Doom Loop," where an increasing reliance on virtual interactions has led to the decline of our real, shared spaces, which in turn pushes us indoors and toward life online. The end result is a vicious cycle of loneliness.

In order to break this cycle, people will have to change their relationship with both technology and the built environment. But public space professionals are best positioned to bolster use and care for our “third places,” the naturally occurring civic infrastructure of our communities, from parks to coffee shops to community gardens. As a recent report by Gehl Architects observes, this can be done by identifying the networks of “havens, hubs, and hangouts” in our communities, initiating placemaking projects to fill the gaps, and measuring social connection as a key outcome. This approach is especially important for young people, who are developing their relationships with technology and often feel unwelcome in public places.

In 2022, Project for Public Spaces helped the local public library in Shafter, California, double its capacity through a new Learning Center and plaza with support from GAF. Libraries are a vital part of our social infrastructure and continue to be one of the most trusted institutions in American life.

By intentionally designing spaces where people can bond, interact across different backgrounds, and casually engage with one another, we can create environments that combat isolation and promote social health.

By intentionally designing and managing outstanding spaces where people can bond, interact across different backgrounds, and casually engage with one another, public space leaders can create environments that combat social isolation and out-compete virtual life as a way to spend our free time.

6. Climate Change

Extreme weather is making public space less welcoming, but public space can adapt.

Much like social isolation, extreme weather has created a vicious cycle for public space that must be broken. As hotter summers, the polar vortex, and greater risks of fires, storms, and floods hit cities around the world, public spaces become less accessible and less hospitable, further contributing to the Human Doom Loop. 

However, while international respondents to the survey ranked climate change as their second highest priority at 12%, for American public space professionals, it ranked sixth, at only 8%. The United Nations’ “Sustainable Development Goals” are a common topic of conversation among urbanists around the world, but American professionals, governments, and organizations have largely opted out of this coordinated effort. This is despite the increasing frequency of extreme weather events like the droughts that hit the entire United States across 2023 and 2024, Hurricane Helene in 2024, and the Los Angeles wildfires in 2025.

“In Houston, daily 100+ degree summers are a deterrent for public space engagement and public transportation. Lack of clean air is a public health threat and engagement deterrent (in both inside and outside spaces).”

— Survey Respondent
“The heat in Singapore plays a major role in making many beautiful public spaces unusable without cooling infrastructures.”

— Survey Respondent
“Public spaces are frequently relegated to a “recreational” role, with managers expected to operate within that narrow scope. Yet, we know public spaces are far more than that. They shape cultural identities, influence social dynamics, and hold the potential for global impact, particularly from an environmental perspective.”

— Survey Respondent

The good news is that when we treat public space as a citywide network, it has the potential to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change, even beyond its already large footprint. 

For example, one reason flooding gets so out of hand in urban areas is that impermeable surfaces cause water to accumulate and pick up speed. Permeable surfaces, and better yet, rewilded wetlands in public space can help absorb this water. Likewise, increasing shade, especially from tree canopy, and replacing dark-colored surfaces with plantings can help reduce the urban heat island effect, which worsens the effects of heat waves.

After a massive flood in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 2008, residents asked Project for Public Spaces to help them build back better with a new heart of the community, the NewBo City Market. In times of trouble, strong social infrastructure ensures communities have the capacity to respond collectively and look out for the most vulnerable.

When storms, fires, and other extreme weather strikes, public spaces often become ad hoc logistical centers for disaster response and relief because of their central locations, flexible spaces, and recognition as the heart of the community. These public spaces could be even better integrated into resilience planning. For example, during the coronavirus pandemic, public markets proved their immense flexibility in distributing food under challenging circumstances while also supporting local food systems that are less vulnerable to global supply chain disruptions. This despite the fact that in many areas these same markets were shuttered because they operate under relatively insecure event permits, even if they’ve been doing so for over a decade.

When a winter storm hit Austin’s Republic Square in 2022, the park’s famous Auction Oaks survived, thanks to a grant and technical assistance from Project for Public Spaces with support from the makers of Claritin®. Improvements to water management have also helped the park better absorb stormwater in a part of Texas known as “Flash Flood Alley.”

Successful adaptation to climate change will require not only physical resilience, but social resilience. In his book, Palaces for the People, Eric Klinenberg argues that the future of democratic societies hinges on shared spaces like libraries, parks, and community centers where vital connections are made. Coining the term "social infrastructure," he highlights how these places play a pivotal role in addressing society’s most pressing challenges, including climate change. Notably, Klinenberg’s groundbreaking work on social capital built upon his earlier study of the 1995 Chicago heat wave, where he found that neighborhoods with a public realm built for social life were better prepared to help the most vulnerable in times of need. 

In other words, both in the United States and abroad, our crises of social isolation and climate change are deeply intertwined, and must be addressed together in public space.

7. Disinvestment & Gentrification

Big public space investments need a plan for development without displacement.

Public space investment around the world is not distributed evenly or fairly. As a result, the practical and societal issues described above are more severe and concentrated in some communities than others.

In our survey, this fact was driven home by respondents who identified as North American people of color, who ranked “Segregation and Disinvestment” as their third greatest societal issue affecting public space (11%). These responses noted that communities of color receive less investment in public space creation, upkeep, and programming. Furthermore, these communities often have less capacity to create their own private place management organizations, like business improvement districts or park conservancies, to fill the gaps. Many of these same factors came up for respondents from American rural communities and informal settlements abroad as well.

Rendering of the 11th Street Bridge Park. Washington D.C.'s first elevated park will span the Anacostia River and serve as a new venue for healthy recreation, environmental education, and the arts. A key goal of the park is to serve as an anchor for economic growth through a community-driven approach that preserve and center residents’ needs and values. Credit: OMA+OLIN, courtesy of 11th Street Bridge Park.

However, “Gentrification” ranked as the second greatest issue among the same group (11%), as many respondents shared concerns that reinvestment could trigger displacement. Because public space has such a powerful effect on quality of life, even well-intended improvements can have a ripple effect on real estate and demographics that can disrupt existing communities as well as support them, both economically and culturally. Existing residents get priced out by the rising cost of living, but just as important is a diminishing feeling of belonging caused by changing cultural offerings and social dynamics, including hostile acts like targeted noise complaints. The word “placemaking” itself can raise alarm bells for some community members, leading to the useful sister term “placekeeping,” which emphasizes the value of sustaining existing communities, cultures, and the land, rather than transformation.

“Communities that have experienced historical disinvestment and desire investment in parks and public space are also worried that the investments will lead to displacement.”

— Survey Respondent
“Public spaces in under-served neighborhoods are mostly run by volunteers. The city does not pay attention to these spaces and or have the resources to maintain them. There needs to be funding for these volunteers.”

— Survey Respondent
“Puerto Rico, due to its colonial situation, economic crisis and natural disasters, faces the abandonment of its urban centers, extremely deteriorated infrastructure and gentrification. Placemaking initiatives help to restore hope while recovering spaces for common use.”

— Survey Respondent
“Vacant land in disinvested urban areas is being developed at an alarming rate. Community members who have been stewarding the spaces for decades are being shut out of the process of obtaining the land for long term stewardship by bureaucracy and political shortsightedness, prioritizing development over long-term community wellbeing and climate resilience.”

— Survey Respondent
“Wealthier, whiter people have a concern about public space being used as an opportunity to invite those they see as ‘invaders’ into their neighborhoods.”

— Survey Respondent

A new generation of public space improvement projects may show the path toward addressing these inequalities while preventing displacement. For example, the Crenshaw neighborhood of Los Angeles is a historically Black community that has faced disinvestment for generations.  When LA Metro decided to construct a railway from the LA International Airport to downtown, the prospect of a new Crenshaw station predictably spurred an influx of private investment, raising the specter of displacement. 

Destination Crenshaw is set to be the largest Black public art project in the U.S., commissioning over 100 works by Black artists with ties to Los Angeles. While also creating jobs and promoting cultural identity, the initiative will also create new pocket parks and enhance green spaces, ensuring long-term economic and cultural empowerment for local residents. Pictured is a rendering of artist Kehinde Wiley's sculpture in Sankofa Park. Credit: Perkins&Will, source: Destination Crenshaw.

Destination Crenshaw was founded to capture this value for local stakeholders and ensure the area continues to be a thriving hub for Black culture. By 2022 it had attracted $70-90 million in investment. A recent report by LISC found that their neighborhood-wide approach, which combines both cultural and economic considerations, can help ensure longtime residents benefit from reinvestment. Helping local developers and business owners “buy back the block” will help Black Angelenos not just remain in the neighborhood but build wealth, while placekeeping strategies help the neighborhood manage change and continue to feel like the Crenshaw longtime residents remember. 

Ultimately, this integrated economic and cultural approach to development without displacement could even help address the intergenerational inequality facing communities of color in the United States, informal settlements abroad and rural communities everywhere.

Looking Ahead: Public Space Inspirations for 2025

Since closing the survey in 2024, we have entered a new year that has brought even greater challenges for public space professionals. A new wave of scrutiny on federal funding in the U.S. has led to grant delays and proposed funding cuts, undermining the stability of the civic infrastructure that we all depend on. This has already resulted in worsening homelessness and chaos in our National Parks, and if these cuts continue we expect them to trickle down into neglected parks and streets, communities unprepared for this year’s floods and fires, and ultimately, a deepening spiral of social isolation.

But as we look ahead, we must also look to one another. Getting things done together locally, and collaborating across our cities and towns can be powerful. So while our public spaces face great challenges in the year 2025, there is also reason for hope.

Click on a symbol to see a link to the project, as well as any comments that respondents left about this place or project. To see the legend click the icon in the top left. Uncheck layers to see specific types of places and projects. See map in full screen.

As part of the State of Public Spaces Survey, respondents recommended 375 public spaces and placemaking projects that inspired them, including parks, plazas, trails, streets, markets, public buildings, districts, pop-up projects and events, infrastructure reuse projects, and policies and programs.

As Project for Public Spaces celebrates its 50th anniversary during this uncertain year, these bright spots demonstrate both the value that great public spaces already bring to people around the world, as well as the ingenuity of our community of public space professionals and advocates, dedicated to bringing this joy and meaning to more people.

Support Our Mission

Project for Public Spaces' 50th anniversary is a milestone that underscores the enduring impact of public spaces and our unwavering commitment to this vital mission. We invite you to help us support the next 50 years of public spaces by making a tax-deductible contribution to directly support our work in inspiring and mobilizing the next generation of public space leaders!


[Graph: Do the public spaces in your area meet the needs of your community?]

[Graph: What are the biggest societal issues affecting public spaces today?]

When our survey asked whether local public spaces were meeting the needs of the community, 32% of respondents said that public spaces were failing, while another 63% said they needed improvement. 

Only 5% of respondents said that public spaces are meeting community needs. 

This underscores the pressing need to rethink how our shared spaces are designed and managed, ensuring they fulfill their potential to support community health and well-being, strengthen resilience, and boost local economies. 

To dig deeper into why public space isn’t living up to its potential, we asked respondents to identify the biggest societal issues facing public spaces today. Here’s what they said.

When celebrated urbanist Jane Jacobs was invited to speak at the White House in 1964, she decided to focus on what she called “a great unbalance” between money for building things and money for running things. [Expand]

In the more than six decades since that speech, this dynamic has only become more noticeable as budgets for parks, libraries, and even infrastructure have shrunk significantly. As a result, nearly 12% of respondents identified “aging infrastructure” as one of the top issues facing public space. When we think of aging infrastructure, we may jump immediately to roads and bridges, but public spaces are our civic infrastructure—the networks of community places that support our public health, resilience, and local economies.

[Graph: What are the biggest practical issues facing public space?]

Now, it may not be surprising to hear from public space professionals that public space needs more support, but the question of how that funding shows up is as important as how much. The most successful public spaces rely on maintenance, small design improvements, programming, and deep community engagement—all activities that require relatively modest but constant and consistent funding. Yet, operation budgets for the public agencies and nonprofits responsible for these factors remain chronically underfunded, especially in rural areas, and additional government and philanthropic funding is often too project-based and unreliable to get ahead of the backlog.

[Quote slider]

603 attendees from 11 countries
195 cities represented, including Baltimore by 180 Baltimoreans
Attendance was highly intersectorial, with representation from nonprofit (48%), public (23%), private (16%), and academic (6%) organizations.
64% of speakers were women
39%of attendees were U.S.-based people of color
1 in 4 attendees was the executive of their organization
1 in 4 attendees was a speaker or workshop facilitator
1 in 10 attendees received a scholarship to the full conference

2. Public space is the frontline of the homelessness crisis.


In the second most common response, 12% of respondents point to the crisis of homelessness, mental health, and addiction as severely impacting public spaces, leading to biohazards, maintenance issues, and reduced access due to encampments. [Perceptions of safety]

[Quote Slider]

  • “There is a severe lack of green space in our city and practically, there are needs that we aren't able to address that are happening [in our park], like homelessness and other social services. Of course, we want everyone to be able to enjoy public space, but it does come up frequently and when our cities are pushing people out and not addressing affordable housing and crisis services, public spaces then are expected to take responsibility.”
    — Respondent in Pennsylvania

But as we know, battles aren’t often won on the frontlines. Often, as William H. Whyte observed in The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, the efforts to displace people experiencing homelessness make our public spaces even more unwelcoming. Rather than addressing the root of the problem, hostile architecture and barriers transform a city’s public realm into what one survey respondent called “a city of fences.”

While there is broad agreement on the negative effects, the suggested solutions from respondents varied drastically, reflecting national political divisions. Some stressed the need to address the housing crisis and improve access to affordable housing and social services, while some emphasized personal responsibility and law enforcement.

  • Brookings Metro, top-level findings
  • PPS projects

3. Physical, financial, and cultural barriers prevent many from accessing the benefits of public space.

With Access & Linkages being one of our four key elements of great public spaces, we are not surprised that access was top of mind for 11% of respondents. Factors like the distribution of public space, universal design, walkability, bikeability, micromobility, and transit connectivity. Some also pointed out issues related to cost barriers or physical obstacles designed to restrict certain uses of these spaces. 

You can’t spread great public spaces like peanut butter. [Network, hubs and connections]

[Quote Slider]

  • Active Transportation, Transit, Land Use
  • Unconventional spaces, streets vs. Bureaucracy
  • Universal design
  • Free programming, privatization

The concept of "Streets as Places" encourages communities to reclaim and enhance their streets by creating vibrant, multi-functional spaces that contribute to the overall well-being. The 34th Avenue Open Street in Jackson Heights, Queens—the longest open street in the U.S.—addresses a significant lack of open space head-on, by transforming a busy, densely populated area into a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly environment. Community organizers host English conversation classes, cumbia and salsa workshops, arts and crafts, clothing exchanges, and more, open to all and every neighbor. This initiative not only creates safer spaces for recreation and community activities but also fosters equity by providing accessible public areas for diverse groups, particularly in a neighborhood with limited access to green spaces.


4. Public space can break the vicious cycle of loneliness.

In 2024, the US Surgeon General issued an alarming report on social isolation, which compares its health effects to smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and recommends strengthening social infrastructure like parks, plazas, and public markets as its #1 solution.

Reflecting this growing recognition of our epidemic of loneliness in the United States and beyond, social isolation was identified by 11% of all respondents as a major societal issue negatively impacting public spaces.

[Quote Slider]

Journalist Diana Lind has gone as far as to argue that following the Covid-19 pandemic, we may have entered a "Human Doom Loop," a cycle of increasing reliance on remote and virtual interactions that leads to a decrease in use and investment in the built environment. The end result is greater loneliness. 

In order to break this cycle, we must attack both sides of this vicious cycle. But public space professionals are best positioned to bolster use and care for our “third places,” the naturally occurring social infrastructure of our communities, from parks to coffee shops to community gardens. As a recent report by Gehl Architects observes, this can be done by identifying the networks of “havens, hubs, and hangouts” in our communities, initiating placemaking projects to fill the gaps, and measuring social connection as a key outcome.

By intentionally designing spaces where people can bond, interact across different backgrounds, and casually engage with one another, we can create environments that combat isolation and promote social health.

5. Climate change is making public space less welcoming, but public space can fight back.

While only 9% of respondents rated climate change as one of their top issues, this proportion grew to more than 10% of women, North American people of color, people over 60, nonprofit and public sector professionals, and to 12% for international respondents. 

Public spaces are both affected by climate change, and can be critical parts of the solution.

[Quote Slider]

[Social Resilience] In his book, Palaces for the People, Eric Klinenberg argues that the future of democratic societies hinges on shared spaces like libraries, parks, and community centers where vital connections are made. He highlights how "social infrastructure" plays a pivotal role in addressing society’s most pressing challenges. Urban planning plays a crucial role in fostering community resilience and bridging societal divides and their intersection with social isolation and the loneliness epidemic. [Heat Wave] 

He was curious why some Chicago neighborhoods fared better in the deadly 1995 heat wave. What he found was that neighborhoods that had a public realm that was built for social life was better prepared to help the most vulnerable in times of need. Transition: It’s worth noting that Eric Klinenberg’s idea of social infrastructure has its roots in resilience: 

[Physical Resilience] One reason flooding gets so bad in urban areas is because impermeable surfaces in the public realm cause water to accumulate and pick up speed. Permeable surfaces, and better yet, wetlands can help mitigate flooding.

Bad heat waves can make some public spaces unbearable, but increasing shade, especially from tree canopy, and replacing dark-colored surfaces with plantings can help reduce the urban heat island effect in cities overall. 

Public markets and urban gardens can help support food systems that are close to home, reducing vehicle miles traveled and vulnerability to global supply chain disruptions.

Rewilding can help increase the range of plants and animals that live in our communities (biodiversity), which makes our communities even more adaptable.

[Disaster Relief] When life-threatening events like heat waves, wildfires, hurricanes, and earthquakes hit our communities, beloved public spaces often become makeshift logistics hubs to access and distribute goods and services to people who may be threatened, injured or displaced. These can and should be integrated into resilience planning.

New technologies for roadways and infrastructure materials could also help reduce the carbon footprint of public space.

A good source that covers a lot of the same ground I mentioned above:

6. Big public space investments need a plan for development without displacement.

Gentrification and climate change go hand in hand:  

Echoing the concerns that people associated with “Access,” North American respondents who identified as people of color noted that public spaces and investment in upkeep and programming are not evenly distributed across neighborhoods, with communities of color receiving less ongoing funding and facing longer backlogs of disinvestment.

However, many also passed on concerns from the communities where they work that reinvestment could trigger gentrification and displacement. Often the word “placemaking” itself can raise alarm bells for community members, leading to the newer term “placekeeping,” which emphasizes the value of sustaining existing communities and cultures through public space, rather than transformation.

[Quote Slider]

  • “It's difficult to get the spaces the wider community needs because of NIMBYism, political conspiracy theories, and fear of other people (specifically poor people and racial minorities). Political conspiracy theories [are] probably the biggest issue right now, with fear mongering about housing issues and urbanism trends such as ‘15 minute cities’ being used as weapons against improvements that go against the status quo. Wealthier, whiter people have a concern about public space being used as an opportunity to invite those they see as ‘invaders’ into their neighborhoods.”

Cultural Displacement, and community engagement

Economic Displacement, and value capture/wealth building

Public Space Inspirations

2025 Placemaking Inspirations 

Our respondents also recommended 375 public spaces and placemaking projects that inspired them, including parks, plazas, trails, streets, markets, public buildings, districts, pop-up projects and events, infrastructure reuse projects, and policies and programs.

[Link to Anniversary page]

Local Impact by the Numbers

$290Kspent directly at local Baltimore businesses
$500Kestimated economic impact by attendees on the city of Baltimores